I mentioned to Jared that if we had enough tomatoes, I would make and can some spaghetti sauce. Well, being Mr. Getterdone, he went around to the neighbors and gathered tomatoes! Thanks to the Foy's, the Kitchen's, and the Gibson's for supplying my moocher husband with tomatoes!
Questioning my own sanity, I decided we should let the boys help with the sauce. So, our FHE lesson was about following the prophet in the area of being prepared. They tend to question me sometimes when I come home from Smith's with 20 boxes of cereal."We have 200 boxes of cereal you won't die a slow, painful death from starving, my sweeties!" We also have a garden and we can things from the garden for the same reason we have the cereal.
With all that said (and nobody listening to me anyways), it was time to get messy!
Jake called the job of scalding the tomatoes in the boiling water after I cored them. This scared me a little at first, but he did a really good job and was really careful with the hot water.
Josh and Cam worked at the sink peeling the skins off after Jake scalded them. I got to work the blender and just to show everyone how good I am in the kitchen, I did it with my eyes closed!
Sam helped Jared put onions and bell peppers in the feeder tube for the food processor. Other than that, his main job was to stay out of trouble! (He would have succeeded, too, if it hadn't been for that meddling bag of sugar!)
We used Sister Kitchen's recipe (thanks again!) and it simmered all Monday night and most of Tuesday. The boys really had a great time and claimed this as another favorite Family Night Activity! As of today, we have 7 quarts and 1 pint of really yummy spaghetti sauce.
1 month ago