Monday, May 19, 2008

My Missionary / Proud Momma

Jake's best friend lives behind us and is one of the few in our neighborhood that aren't members of our church. There have been a few times that church stuff has come up and Kaelen has tolerated us :) . I have tried to explain things to him in a way that would compare his church to our church. Some things, like the boys paying their tithing, though, really blow his 9 yr old mind!
Anyways, tonight Jake really showed his stuff and I was surprised and impressed by his testimony and courage. Cameron had called everyone in for scriptures and, of course, Kaelen came straggling in with Jake being that they are attached at the hip! When Jake told Kaelen we were going to read scriptures, Kaelen asked what 'scriptures' were. The following is Jake's explanation:

"The Book of Mormon is our scriptures with the Bible. It's like the Bible. See, it's got lots of books like Nephi, Mosiah, and Alma. They're prophets.They teach us about Jesus.We read some every night. And, when we finish it, we read it again. That way, we learn more. Mormons read the Book of Mormon every year, forever. And, when you go on a mission, you can get little ones because you won't have very much room in your bags."

He does listen!
He is learning!
And, he's not afraid to tell others what he knows is true!
You go, Jake!


Brossettelewis said...

Hallelujah! He listens and retains AND can share it! Rock on Jake!

abbybrossette said...

Way to go Jake!!!