Thursday, August 12, 2010


Our cousins came to play.
ShelbyDog nipped at their feet.
"Your dog is BAD", said Grace from atop the kitchen table.
"We have to stay up high so she can't get us!", squealed Kate.
Think, Aunt Kelly, Think!!
Let's make glurch and play with it at the island!
Grab a chair and drag it to the island.
Every man for himself!
Miles Man chopping his glurch with a shark knife. There's something about saying 'cheese' that makes him automatically tilt his head to the side. I don't think he can control it!

Kate and Grace, the ballerinas, made pancakes and yummy cake with theirs.

Sam showed his cousins how to stick a straw in the glurch and blow bubbles. Even at two, little boys can figure out how to make dirty body noise sounds with just about anything!

Sam just hamming it up! He's played glurch every day for a week and a half now. Usually for at least 30 minutes at a time. This stuff hold his attention longer than anything else I've found!
Here's the recipe in case you want to try it:
In bowl 1, mix 1 c. water and 1c. Elmer's glue
In bowl 2, mix 1 c. water and 3 tsp. Borax laundry booster soap (I have a lot if you want to borrow)
Pour Borax solution into the glue solution and knead. The more you handle it, the less slimey it becomes. You can store it in a baggie in the fridge for months.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

We put food coloring in ours. I never put it in the fridge and it still lasts forever.