Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Two funnies

Jared recently put the shelves in the entertainment center that we've been working on for, umm, a while. I'm trying to break the boys of their habit of tossing their junk on the bottom shelf. Now that there are other shelves and decorations, it's no longer meant for storage. So, here's how it went tonight:
Me : Boys! Why is there so much of your crap thrown on the bottome shelf?
Cam : Because we couldn't reach the higher shelves!

I give up!

Forget the shelf, let's just read scriptures. Sam throws his foot in my lap while the boys laugh about Jake reading from Jacob...again.
Sam : Mom! Pop my toes-es.
Me : OK.
Sam : Do my baby toe first.
Me : OK
Sam : Do my brother toes next.

"Brother toes" are the three toes between your baby toe and your big toe. Now you know!