Saturday, March 6, 2010

Snow Day!

Somehow, someone at the school district knew it was going to snow Friday and they cancelled school for all of the kids. Being that we are not part of majority and we love the snow, our day started out with an indoor snowball fight. Really, Aunt Manda, did you think you could throw a snowball at a bunch of boys and then hide under your covers and be safe???

Cam and Josh were the first to get outside and get in the snow. Sam couldn't wait to get all of his gear on and we had to repeatedly rescue our diaper-only baby from the snow!
Once the kids convinced Manda that Snow Days were not supposed to be spent in bed, she came out and had a snowball fight with them.
This is our Snow Fort II. The boys and I started it with buckets while jared ws inside making waffles and eggs and bacon. Talk about role reversal! After breakfast, Jared helped with the fort which moved along much faster with his engineering skills and brute strength! (Snow Fort I caved in on top of Cam half way through and we had to remodel.)
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yomommadonna said...

YOU HAD A SnOw DaY for that piddling amount of snow? I guess they closed down the bridges and overpasses. Probably all the businesses and stores closed, too. Ya'll don't even haul your school kids all over the county/parish. What a waste, tisk-tisk.

Kelly said...

It was a teacher development day, I think. The kids were already schedule to be of school; the snow was just an added surprise bonus!