Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren...

So, we're at Taco Tuesday (Del Taco) and here comes a nice looking family to join us in the Playland. They played for a while and then the mom calls out. "Heber, Willard, Parley! Come on, we have to go pick up Sariah!"

This bugs me so much! I don't know why it bugs me and that bugs me.

Are you more righteous if your kids have Mormon names and get beat up at school? If I had named my kids after a few prophets, I bet they'd still beat each other up and talk about poop at the dinner table. Are those the only names you could come up with because you lived in Utah your whole life? (I say that as I mentally go through where each of my friends grew up!) Really, are you hoping your child lives up to that namesake? Good luck on that one! It's like Jared said when I brought it up him (and imagine yourself saying this!) "Get the hell in the car , Nephi!" (Yes, Jared cusses like a sailor) Anyways, kids will be kids, a name isn't going to make them behave any differently!
What is it? Tell me why people name their kids like this and then maybe I can figure out why it bugs me. Meanwhile, I'm gonna try to keep my kids from beating up the prophets in the playland!


Lorna said...

It bugs me too.

Sarah said...

Don't forget Utah people also name there kids after little known towns or other strange variations of names. Elder Perry was here for our Stake Conference and said he told his kids/ grand kids that he wouldn't stand in the blessing circles anymore if they were going to use bizzare names. Take that Utah parents

Kim said...

I just about died laughing at "Get the hell out of the car, Nephi!" and picturing your boys beating up the prophets.

Utah does have some of the craziest names I have ever heard.

Shelley said...

I so needed this laugh today!!! Hilarious! THaNks!

Mary Denton Taylor said...

I think I am tired, but I am laughing so hard tears are welling!! Oh, you crack me up!

Kathryn said...

Amen! I always wonder what will happen to the little guys once they move OUT of Utah! How will anyone ever understand...

Also, I love that Jared cusses like a sailor! He should throw that one in while conducting sometime. :)

And finally - you are one of THE funniest women EVER.

Lorna said...

And how many prophets are in your family?
I just read this post to Kevin and his friend and we all had a good laugh.

pfabulouspfun-der said...

Samuel, Joshua, and Jacob? No hopes and dreams for Cam?
Isaac's mom