Saturday, June 13, 2009

Manda's Special Day

So, you all know we go out for Sisters' Special Days and I know you all look forward to them as much as we do. Today was Manda's.

Manda's Rules:
1. must wear black shirt, khaki capris, and black flops
2. must wear a bump in your hair
3. must wear cat-eye eyeliner

If you know Manda, you know she doesn't really do make-up and hair. So, as usual, we did these things to make fun of those that do it for reals.

Manda eating her Tucano's sundae; which now, come tho think of it, she didn't even offer us any!
Gift #1 : Sodie! Yeah, she knew this one, but you can't have a Manda day without giving her some Coke
Gift #2 : Bumpits! Bump a pony! Rock a bob! Go from Flat to Fabulous! We joke about these all the time, but now that Mnada has them we all want to go out and buy our own set !
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1 comment:

abbybrossette said...

wheres the video? are we still going to do pictures?