Monday, July 21, 2008


I think Sammers could sense that something big was coming! Babies are smart - they know stuff. Sam hit his 6 month milestone on Saturday and like I said, I think he knew there was a deadline of sorts coming and he needed to pull off some pretty spectacular stuff. So for the last two weeks, he's been working on some stuff just waiting for the moment to be right to show us what he's really got! Here's a list of his latest accomplishments:
  1. He's been practicing scooting all around the Family Room, although he can only go in reverse right now. Whatever, Mom! I take him outside to experience grass and he hops up on all fours and starts lunging. I know - he's a genius, he's probably going to be running in the Olympics in a few years!
  2. He can talk now. Yes, it's his own language, but he's pretty good at mimicking our inflections. I think he does pretty well with 'hi' and 'hello'. He can also say 'hour' as in "my brothers have an hour to get their jobs done before mom goes crazy and locks them in the basement...again." I know it's just babble to us, but he's really good at it!
  3. I took the boys to THE worst ever movie (Speed Racer) the other night while Jared was out of town. Sam was as bored as I was so he started singing. To quiet him down, I stuck my finger in his mouth for him to chew on. Holy Cow! He bit me! Of course, in hindsight (which is 20/20, right, Sarah?) he had given me signs like grumpies, snots, droolies, but the bite brought it all together for a somewhat slow mom. (Heck I've only done this 4 times, How was I supposed to know?)
Anyhow, I think he pulled some pretty cool tricks out of his hat these last few days. He has totally proven himself worthy to pass the 6 month benchmark. And, I learned enough to figure out that tooth #2 isn't far behind - we woke up with snots and grumpies again this morning!

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