Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today's Realizations

1. When 5 different people tell you to go to a dr. because you sound bad,
you should go because it's bronchitis.
2. Everytime you take all 4 kids to the grocery store alone it will be Crazytown. Ev-er-ee-time! And yet, I do it over and over and over...
3. Sam would rather eat the dry,
hard pasta off the floor than the warm,

fresh pasta you serve for lunch.
4. The boys can put together a pretty good shopping list in five minutes if you have an old spelling test handy to write on.

5. If you forgot to get the OJ, a Sobe cranberry grapefruit juice tastes pretty good, too.

6. I'm not having hot flashes! Someone opened the vent above my bed again and I catch the heat right in my face - that's why I alternate sweating/freezing all night!

7. If you need a little self-image boost, have one of your kids hide a piece of K'nex under your scale. The resulting 30lb. weight loss made my day!

8. Sometimes I dilly-dally on the internet instead of making dinner


Suzie said...

See, I wish I could run into you at the store. I call that good old-fashioned entertainment.

Hope you feel better! Take care.

Brossettelewis said...

I lost 43 pounds last week but then found a spongey bath letter under the scale...dude I left it there. It made me very happy.