Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Daily Affirmations from My Kids

Cam: Mom, how long has "Patty Cake, Patty Cake been a song?"
Me : I don't know for sure,but it's been a really, really long time.
Cam : So was it around when you were a kid?

love you, Cam


Lorna said...

Now that is really funny!

The Burninghams said...

Ha ha. I love it. My kids remind me all the time how old I am. Taylor was shocked the other day that computers barely came out when I was a teen. I must be old if they barely invented computers and cell phones in my time.

Kathryn said...

I tell the kids "I used to do that/sing that/play that with my pet dinosaur." Gotta love 'em!

Now you gotta break out the albums & watch their heads spin!