Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I did my prayers!

The boys use to keep track of their jobs and check them off when they're done. With the new school year, we're trying a couple of different things to see what works best. Today, we played first and we're doing jobs & homework now at 7PM.

Here's the eager Joshie in action:
7:00 Josh: the stairs are done. what's that little stair machine called?
Mom: the dustbuster?
Josh: yeah. I did that.

7:05 Mom: Hey! Why is your hair all wet?
Josh: I washed it a little when I brushed my teeth (one of his jobs)
Mom: You brushed your teeth before dinner?
Josh : yup

7:08 'k, mom. I did my prayers. I'm done with that job.

I love that I don't have to fight him...yet. He's so cute, too, when he's running from job to job. I wish they could always be so eager to please!

1 comment:

Eileen said...

What a darling Josh is. Loved the post.