Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Wood Park

I'm trying to find fun things to do this week since it's the last full week before school starts. (And because I'm going out of town Sunday and won't be back until the day before school starts and I'm having some self-induced mom-guilt). Anyways, Monday we went to the Wood park a.k.a.the Discovery park in P.G. The boys love this place! We grabbed some $5 pizza on the way and it was honestly hard for them to choose between two such 'goods'. We could see their little minds whirling : pizza?play?pizza?play?pizza?play?
Cam & Johs on the little monkey bars. Cam could reach teh ground, but when Josh wanted to cross, he pulled his feet up so he could better show Josh how to do it.
Sam's favorite was the swings, as always. Well, that and chasing the dogs that were at the park!
Jake and Kaelen (my pseudo-son) spinning themselves until they were sick. Such smart boys!
The Grand Finale was Jared seriously making them all sick on teh tire swing! They all rode home on the verge of throwing up.
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