Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Our new address - call if you need directions!

So we moved without even packing a box!

Actually, the Lehi City Planner (or at least the one from six years ago) is a brainiac!

With new houses going up in the field west of us, someone noticed our addresses were off. So, six years ago when our neighborhood was being planned, someone mislaid the planning maps over one another and our addresses are off by 100 units west. One neighbor asked why not just give the streets in the new neighborhood real names, then the off numbers won't matter. I guess it's because it's Ivory Homes and the Mayor doesn't want to mess up that huge deal. He's better off bugging our whole neighborhood instead of Mr. Ivory!
We got the new street signs today. My change of address form is sitting here next to me waiting for attention. Not that it will help, Lehi Post Office has a reputation! My checks all have a non-existent address, but I have 3 3/4 boxes with that address! All of my bills will now go to the people on the street behind us because they are now 950W. Maybe that's not so bad - he's a lawyer! Do you think the city planner will come watch all of the boys while I go stand in line at the DMV to make the change on my license?

So, for Christmas card purposes (since that's all regular people snailmail anymore), our new address is
3465 N 850 W
all the rest of the info will stay the same until Lehi decides to change our zip or our names or something!


Kim said...

Unbelieveable! That is hilarious. I think you should call the city office and ask for a babysitter. Good luck with getting your mail and all that fun stuff.

Manda said...

but it took me so long to learn your first one! And do you realize I have to go change your address on all my stuff too!

Brossettelewis said...

Now your -expletive of choice- postmaster will have even more reason to be hated by the residents of Lehi.

Heaven forbid you have a non-directional word in your address. I would love a Jewella.

abbybrossette said...

Dude, my checks have an address of 1 location ago, my car is registerd at 1 location ago, my licence has 2 locations ago, who knows about credit cards, half which my name is missspelled or missing a letter. Nothing has my new address. And only heaven know where all the many design magazines are being sent!!