I am just so frustrated. I know I should be grateful we have a job right and believe me, I am. I know a lot of people that are out of work and I know I'm a spoiled brat for being mad at Jared's company right now when they still send home a paycheck twice a month. I just wish we didn't have a job that kept screwing with us! Please forgive me for my seeming ungratefulness, but I gotta get it out and well, if I offend you I'll make it up to you later! Just remember - this is MY place to write MY feelings!
Jared has been working overtime and some Saturdays since before Halloween. With the economy and job scare, I've tried to be supportive and not whine when he leaves at 7AM and gets home at 8PM. He's been away to Vernal and Elko in the last month. We agreed that it would all pay off when it came time for bonuses.
The quarterly bonus should have showed up in the November check. That's what I was planning to use for Christmas. Well, even though the company made the quota to get the bonus, they found some loophole that let them off the hook. No quarterly bonus, but they promised the guys they'd still get their Christmas bonuses.
That's OK. I'll just use the Christmas bonus to get Christmas and do a lot of my shopping late. (I like to be done in August, but this will be different...fun).
The company is doing great. They're creating new management positions that will need to be filled after Christmas. You know, in January when they do evaluations and give promotions & pay raises. Oh yeah, promotions & raises are being put off until the Spring. OK. I can deal with that. Better late than never.
SO, today, Jared emails me to tell me they just announced no Christmas bonuses. I'm so mad and, well, just mad. I'm grateful for our job. I'm grateful for our job. I'm grateful for our job. I'm not grateful to be jerked around. I feel like they're being really dishonest. I'm OK with no Christmas bonus, I can plan and save, but don't tell me to plan on a bonus and then 2 weeks before Christmas tell us to nevermind. Don't tell us there will be quarterly bonuses based on performance and then cancel it after my husband works 6-day weeks to make you happy. Don't tell me there's a promotion and pay raise coming up when I'm pretty sure we won't see anything.
I'm really longing for the days at Vantage (his last company) right now. They weren't perfect, but they were honest!
1 week ago
I'm a little miffed, too. All along people where I work have been wondering and asking if we are going to get a Christmas bonus like we have done each year previously. It's not much, for that fact the pays not that much. But the single mothers that I work with, plan on this little nicey to get their kids something for Christmas. I'm pretty sure we aren't getting anything, why? 1. The Mister Bradford, who usually passes out paychecks went to Dr. Gillman's (no, he's fishing, Dr. Roshto is deer hunting)(the chicken-doodle) today. So, secretary Polly took the heat and questions, she doesn't know, she would tell me. 2. Not a peep about the annual Christmas dinner. The company buys the meat and beverages and we all bring the side stuff. NADA! Plus, today should have been the day. The next payday is on the 26th. If, per chance we were to get a bonus as we walked out on the 24th at 4pm, who's got time to shop? I'm grateful for my job, too, it's taking care of something very important. But, if your gonna get scroogie, admit it, up front.
Blogs are available for ANYONE to read. I wouldn't put it above anyone to keep track of their employees. Google him with blogger.
Lib give us more details about what you're talking about...
I can soooo relate!
Russell's company has had record-breaking sales, but they chose to "restructure" the bonus program (they won't pay employees the market average because they say the bonuses make up for it) and they've dropped us to the lower bonus bracket yet again.
3 years we've been waiting...
But we're grateful for his job and he likes his co-workers, so we hang in there.
BUt it still sucks.
So sorry Schmoopie. That really stinks. But I know that you are creative and resourceful. You will make Christmas great for your family because you are you.
You should just look in and under the couch for all the lost toys your kids have forgotten about. Rewrap those and viola Christmas. Maybe even swip some socks and underwear from their drawers, just check for holes and skid marks. They'll appreciate them if they don't have any for the next week. And no, you don't have to send me the Porche you were going to get me. It can wait until the bonus comes. Don't thank me. I do it because I love you!
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