Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What do you do when you suspect you have

My oldest has decided he knows the truth about SC so I've let him in on a few of the stocking stuffer things. But, yesterday, I asked jared to get the things off the top shelf in the garage for me so I could wrap them and he took all the things from the shelf in our closet down, too. Our closet was all the SC stuff conveniently hidden in boxes. I couldn't get the boxes back up on the shelves without catching a few with my nose, so I left them on the floor, sorted dirty laundry as a guard tower, and shut the door.
Last night when we were getting ready for bed, one of the boxes had his flaps open. It was the Wii, This is a big deal because we've always been anti when it comes to gaming systems. The boys don't even ask anymore. This was gonna be biggie biggie big big! As I laid in bed, I replayed a conversation I overheard while the boys were in the shower:

C: Ya know what I really want for Christmas? A Wii!
J: you know mom and dad won't get us one and they'll tell Santa not to get us one.

I was excited! They're gonna be so flabbergasted when then see it! (or, so I thought!)
Later in the day, another conversation while we were in the car that ended with:

C: I know if we look at our presents before Christmas Mom will take them back. Right, mom?
Me: right!

So, I have a plan. I just can't take it back, I know I'm a wuss. But, I am gonna teach then a little lesson. I know, they won't get it, but it'll make me feel better. *Flashback* When we were little, we always went outside to see if the reindeers had eaten their carrots we left for them. One year, we went outside and there was a big bean bag toss tic-tac-toe game behind my dad's truck. "Wow! That must've fallen out of Santa's sleigh for ya'll" my dad explained.
So, my plan is to leave the Wii on the porch with a little note about 'almost a,Santa".
That way, they'll still get it, but not before a little panicking that I took it back. Stinkin' little rats! I'll learn ya! I mean, what are they going to do when it's not in the Family Room in the morning? Ask where's the Wii we snooped in your closet? No way! I can't wait - It's gonna be the best Christmas morning EVER! Point for mom!

Mwah hah hah hah!


abbybrossette said...

you should get a box the same size or take the Wii out of the box and put coals in it or dirt or something, so when they open it they see coal and then you could put a note in there saying...
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
or something like that (i've been watching you). TROLLS!!!!!!

Kathryn said...

Now I know where to get a new Wii! (just kidding!)

I hope it goes off without a hitch (and with a few panicked faces for the scrapbook/blog!)

Merry Christmas!

Brossettelewis said...

Little jerks!