Sunday, December 14, 2008

Scare of a Lifetime (yes, another one)

Josh and Sam both fell asleep in Sacrament Meeting today and I wasn't feeling so great so I brought them home. Josh woke up soon after our arrival home and decided he wanted to see Dad. After arguing with my 4 year old that we weren't going back to church, I finally told him he'd have to walk if he wanted to go because I wasn't driving back up there.

So, this is all really my fault for putting the idea in his little head.

I heard the front door open and shut. Fine. Go outside. Get cold - it's only 29* out there. You'll be back. (By the way, yes, I do know where he gets his stubborness from!) I waited a couple of minutes and then Sam and I went out on the front porch to check on him. He wasn't there. I called his name. I looked in the backyard. Not there. I called some more. I looked all inside both cars being that that's a favorite place to hide lately. Nope. I took Sam back inside and grabbed the keys just in case. I drove to the next street. Nothing. He was still wearing this bright red Christmas sweater so if he had really left, I'd surely be able to see him.
I came back in the house and called for him some more, a little panicky now. I let him know this wasn't funny anymore. I went back out to the garage and announced that Momma was scared , it was time to come out. I started with the prayers and self evaluations for good/bad feelings. I came back in to grab Sam and the keys again. I noticed Jared's phone on the counter and realized that I don't even know the number at the church to get in touch with Jared! I drove around the block again as the scary thoughts started popping in to my head at this point. He's barely 4, he couldn't have gotten that far already unless someone picked him up...I drove down Bull River Rd, the swervy one behind our house that everyone speeds down. My eyes were darting everywhere including at the drivers of the two cars that passed going in the opposite direction. I made it 4 blocks away and turned around.
I decided it was time to go home and see if he had come out of hiding or if it was time to call the police for help. More prayers. Please, please, please was all I could think. I still didn't have that horrible feeling you should have when you can't find a child, just a little scared. As I started towards home, one of the cars that had passed me before was driving towards me again with the window down. I slowed and rolled down my window just before seeing Joshie in the backseat of this stranger's car.
I jumped out and the man opened the door for Josh to get out. I don't remember much of what I said besides a lot of Thank Yous. The man said he saw him quite a ways up the road and pulled over to check on him. Josh told him he was going to see his daddy at church.
After getting Josh in our car, we drove up the road a little so he could show me where he was when the man helped him. For those of you that know our area, he was up Bull River rd where the Lelegren's fence turns that blueish green color. For those of you that aren't familiar, he was 1/2 a mile from home already. He said he had run a little at first so he could get to dad fast.
We're home now. He's warm and playing. I had some chocolate and I think my breathing is back to normal. I'm so grateful for the Holy Ghost. Even though my mind pictured the worse case scenario, I knew inside that he was OK I just needed to find him. And, lock the doors.


Brossettelewis said...

What the heck in the world, Kelly. Thank goodness Joshie was fine. My gosh.

yomommadonna said...

has Santa heard about this yet????