Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Weekend

We decided to try something new this year : We called the Easter Bunny and asked him to come on Friday night so we could do baskets on Saturday and save Sunday for Jesus. The boys were thrilled that they would be getting their baskets a day early, so they agreed to the plan. For some reason, I didn't think to take pictures, but there was plenty of candy and goodies to get us all excited just in time for General Conference to start.

After dad got home from Priesthood session, we dyed our eggs. I didn't really plan that part too well. Eggs should've been done on Saturday, but the cousin egg hunt was on Sunday. It's a new plan so we'll work on tweaking it for next year.The boys dying their eggs. Jake left one of his in the purple the whole time and it was gorgeous. Sam flew through his share of eggs and wanted more. He really had fun dyeing and cracking eggs!This is me preparing the dyes. (really it's just a way to show off my Easter gift to myself. After trying every other way to curl my hair, I finally got myself a triple barrel curling iron. I feel sooo fancy!)

We had Easter Dinner at Rod and Earlet's house with Kent & Jason, Craig, and Grandma & Grandpa. The kids were excited about the candy until they realized there was money in some of the eggs!Cam looking for eggs at Rod's and Earlet's house.
Sam ate his eggs as he found them.
Josh didn' really have time to stop for pictures so we got what we got!
Seriously folks, this is serious stuff. Jake didn't have time to stop and pose, either. Here's an action shot of him with most of his cousins that were there. Jason, Cam, Janessa, Josh, Laurel.

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