Friday, January 2, 2009

Coolest Grossest toy ever!

Jake got a JAKKS Pacific EyeClops for Christmas. This thing is soooo nasty! Which means it's perfect for us! It can magnify things 100x, 200x, and 400x. So, while pretending to enjoying watching the Utah game tonight with Jared, I was really taking some sick pictures!
Before you look at them, three things:
1. We are letting you get very close to us through these pictures, so don't judge us by our appearances!
2. If you have/haven't eaten in the last 10 minutes, you may want to come back later!
3. I am no longer me, I am the mother of 4 boys and this is the wicked sick stuff that makes me cool now!

This is my wrist at 100x

Jared's sick leprecy thingy on his arm at 100x

a piece of popcorn I found on our couch - no kidding! there's popcorn on the Meiners' couch!

Sammer's toenail and toe tip (is that a word?) at 100x

Dude, if you need to take some disgusting pictures of your own, let us know. We might be willing to loan this bad boy out - for a price, of course!
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1 comment:

Brossettelewis said...

That would be great for eyebrow plucking!